3 Tips To Help You Reduce Business Costs

3 Tips To Help You Reduce Business Costs

It’s the end of the month and while balancing your books, you realize that your operating costs have gone over the roof over the past few months.

Fear grips you because you know what this means for your young business. 

Then worry sets in, ‘Will my business survive another month?’ ‘Am I a wasteful business owner?’

How to reduce business costs

If this is you, do not fret as this is a common struggle that most businesses grapple with today.

With inflation on the rise –The Nigerian Bureau of Statistics puts it at 17.71% as of May 2022– high operating costs can threaten your business’s longevity and sustenance. 

However, if you want to maximize cash flow and make more profits for your business, these timely tips will help you reduce business costs.

Have a business budget and stick to it

Financial management is key to cutting your business costs and achieving stability. You cannot sustain your business without having a clear knowledge of how much you make and spend. 

Track your daily expenses meticulously and evaluate your records weekly or monthly to help you make necessary adjustments. 

Tips to help you reduce business costs

A proper evaluation will help you spend wisely, avoid unnecessary debts, and cut down on unnecessary costs. 

When you have a good grip on your finances, this will help you make smart financial decisions and have an organized structure for your business. 

Read Also: Strategically Position Your Business To Reach Global Markets

Digital Marketing efforts reduce business costs

Your business needs all the exposure it can get but are you going about it the cost-effective way?

Unlike traditional marketing efforts that require printed fliers, newspapers, magazines, banners, cold calling, and TV/Radio ads, which may be way above your marketing budget, leveraging digital marketing might just be the fresh approach your company needs. 

How Digital Marketing can help your business

Creating business pages across all social media platforms and creating e-fliers with a simple design tool like Canva will save you more money than printing fliers/materials and paying distributors to spread the word about your business, especially if you are a small business owner.

Other digital marketing strategies include referral programs, networking, and customer reviews.

You get to reach more people online (organically and sponsored ads) and spend less while reducing business costs.

The best part is that you can balance both traditional and digital marketing to reach an even wider audience without straining your budget.

Related: Create A Social Media Plan That Will Grow Your Business.

Maximize profitable business partnerships

Another effective way to reduce business costs is to partner with businesses that complement yours for the purpose of profit-making and beneficial partnerships.

3 tips to help you reduce business costs

Take logistics, for instance, your business needs a trusted delivery partner that will also help your business to reduce shipping costs. This, you can achieve by subscribing to the GIGL CLASS Plan. 

As a CLASS merchant, you enjoy a 20% discount on shipping, alongside other perks that your business will enjoy, all for an affordable monthly subscription of N3,999! 

You can take advantage of this offer by selecting the ‘Upgrade to E-commerce’ option on the GIGGo app. 


These are some of the significant ways your business can reduce costs and become more profitable. Whether you run an SME or a large enterprise, you can make a positive difference in your finances by implementing these tips. 

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