Excellent Ways to Run a Successful Social Commerce Business Online (using WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat)
Running an online business requires a certain finesse, one that doesn’t come easy for many businesses and entrepreneurs, especially when most aspect depends on your social credit.
There are several factors that are necessary for the growth of a business that runs online, and most of them are subject to how potential customers view your services.
It might seem daunting to try to satisfy a customer; pay attention to the day-to-day operations of your business, respond to DMs and comments while handling active social media page(s). However, with the right strategies put in place, you can easily turn your online store on social media to a highly successful, and profitable one.
Here are 6 easy steps to achieving that:
This might seem like a no-brainer but many online businesses are hard to reach, beyond their social media pages. So, ensure that your customers can easily get in contact with you on their preferred channels; from DMs, email addresses, phone numbers, to blogs (if you have one).
One way to keep your customers’ interest is to let them know what you’re really about. Nobody wants to be stuck on a platform that gives them a headache trying to figure out what it is about.
Always make your bio short and succinct, something tailored to your products or services. Be definite with your description by using the right keywords.
For instance, if you sell phones, use descriptions like “phones seller,” instead of “mobile seller.” While both are accurate, the former is better; something your prospective buyer would search for first.
As an online vendor, your most important goal is to be found by customers who would actively patronize you. One great way to do this is to use hashtags that best describes the services you render; within the niche you aim to reach.
The right hashtag would set you on top-tier in the online market, especially if it’s something people search for more often than not.
Using hashtags targeted at your prospective buyer improves your SEO (search engine optimization), and increases your chances of getting that patronage you desire.
It’s a pet peeve for many when they have to “DM for price.” This might seem like a good strategy for you, but most people view it as frustrating. To them, they’d prefer to know what they’re potentially committing themselves to, by having an idea of how much they’d have to pay for your services or products.
Except you’re offering an exclusive service, you should avoid asking your customers to send you a direct message, asking for your fees. Tell them instead. The first step to good customer care is caring for them, so ease their stress by telling them how much you charge.
Under promise, over-deliver. Get the best customers by giving the best service. Guaranteeing timely delivery of products, or accurate services, you’ll eventually have customers that’ll keep coming back.
Ultimately, customers are placing blind trust in you and giving you their money in exchange for good products and services. Don’t make them regret it.
If there’s going to be an issue with delivery, communicate with your customers and tell them how late it’s going to be. Whatever the case may be, inform your customers. Be trustworthy, inform, communicate.
Everyone likes feeling special, everybody likes freebies. If you can’t offer giveaways, then give discounts. This will eventually increase engagement and sales for your online store. Widen your social reach, widen your sales.
As a top logistics company in Africa, GIGL understands the business terrain and believes in the power of entrepreneurship, and commerce. Which is why we make it a part of our mission to ensure that trade and commerce operate seamlessly, using technology.